Paul Karish Scholarship Fund

Paul Karish was a horticulturalist extraordinaire and one of the founding members of the Horticultural Alliance of the Hamptons. In 1991 he left a bequest to the HAH which the Board designated as an education fund in his memory.

Additional contributions from members brought this fund to a level allowing scholarship awards. Through its programs, HAH fosters the art and science of horticulture, an effort intended to ensure that the great traditions of gardening and agriculture on the East End continue to prosper. The Karish Scholarship reflects the mission of the Horticultural Alliance of the Hamptons.

Since 2001, more than $70,000 has been distributed in the form of 47 Scholarship grants ranging from $1,000 to $3,000. Almost all recipients are local high school graduates or have ties to the five East End towns. Their interests include subjects such as farming, food production, environmental science and landscape architecture.

As it has been several years since any active fundraising has taken place specific to the Scholarship Program, it is now time to start replenishing the fund balance. Note that while no membership fees are directed to the Scholarship Fund, 100% of donations identified on a renewal form in support of future scholarships will be deposited into our account with the Long Island Community Foundation (which administers all Scholarship monies). These funds cannot be spent on HAH operating expenses – as they are available ONLY as scholarship grants.

When you renew your membership this year, please consider adding a contribution in support of the Karish Scholarship Program. Simply complete the donation line on the mail-in membership form and increase your payment accordingly. Your gift will be transferred to the Scholarship Fund.

If renewing or joining online: you can choose Keep Shopping before going to Checkout, look to the top menu bar for the link to Scholarship Donation and add to your transaction. 

You can also donate online HERE.

Thank you for your generosity!